Did you know that AI can create a full menu including appetizing photos and backstories? OpenAI’s GPT-3 sophisticated deep learning language model makes this possible.

AI can now create art, compose tweets and blog posts, and even diagnose diseases. And it can make customized recipes just for you!
How can I use AI in the kitchen?
Ask the algorithm to craft a unique recipe
Create a recipe based on only the ingredients that you have available
Make a dish that you love with less expensive ingredients
Fuse cultures by creating unique dishes with flavors from both
How does it work?
AI works like your car engine. Just as your car needs fuel for power, AI needs data.
GPT3, a form of generative AI, analyzes massive amounts of data to find patterns in the way that people connect words, numbers, and symbols.
In this case, it is using data collected from humans - taste tests, recipes from all around the world, food trends, surveys about how humans respond to different flavors, cultural works, books, blogs, etc.
Using this data as its fuel, the AI creates unique recipes, generates artwork that shows us what it will look like on our table, and even creates a tantalizing written summary of what to expect when we bite into it!
What’s the downside to generative AI?
AI-powered automation is expected to net a loss of 15 million jobs by 2030.
Jobs that have been previously expected to be susceptible to elimination included, among others: manufacturing, customer service, motor-vehicle operators, cashiers, data entry, and administrative assistants.
With this evolving form of AI potentially replacing creative work, this number is set to rise. A Venture Capitalist firm predicts that generative AI could change every industry that requires humans to create original work, from gaming to advertising to law.
One example of a generative AI recipe startup:
An Estonian AI-startup company, Yummy, wanted to create a meal-kit business. But along the way, they made AI that can create and adapt recipes based on your taste and dietary restrictions, complete with AI-generated images of what your dishes might look like.